Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It's so very quiet in the country. Not much happens, but when it does — it's cause for excitement. This morning, it seems that two foreigners staying here in Abeilhan put glass containers in their recycling bin. And everyone knows that glass containers go into the big recycling pod in the middle of town marked "Verre." Just like everyone knows that only plastic containers go in the recycling bin one leaves by the curb on Tuesday evenings. Honestly, someone should run those dimwitted Americans out of town on a rail. I think I hear villagers with torches and pitchforks at the front door right now.

Oops, sorry. By the way, the note left behind explains that should we again flout the rules, we will be visited by a sanitation representative for re-education.

In other smalltown news, we had lunch with Liz and Rob, friends of the Goldsteins who helped us out immensely getting settled in when we arrived last week.

We met in Tourbes at La Maison. Lovely ambiance, good food, and delightful company. We highly recommend three-course Wednesday lunches with new friends in the French countryside.

Makes one forget all of one's less-than-green transgressions against the planet.

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