Thursday, September 10, 2009

Knock! Knock! Qui Est La?

(Toc! Toc! Who's There?)

A curious sight in this region: door knockers shaped liked hands — usually emerging from a ruffled sleeve, holding what local lore suggests is (most often) a pomegranate. Sometimes with a ring on one finger, sometimes without. Sometimes with an extended pinkie (such good breeding!), sometimes with the fist fully clenched.

I've trolled around the Net (briefly) for answers, but I've not found any satisfactory explanations.

Here's what's most fascinating to me: the rings on some of the fingers. Upon closer inspection, the rings often appear to have some image or symbol on them — but I can't tell what. A monogram? Family crest? Coat of arms? Do these knockers indicate membership into a particular clan? Secret society? The Knights Templar? Mary Kay?

I don't think they are Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Rings. But why do I crave a glass of Ovaltine when I see one of these knockers?

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