Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Pals in Pezenas

In Abeilhan last fall, we met a lot of Sharon and Mel's friends (including Liz and Rob). We chit-chatted with a bunch of fun new faces, but didn't get to talk with Lauren and Michael too much. Funny thing is, as L&M were leaving, we really hit it off. Lauren's from the Bay Area, so we invited Lauren and Michael to a "San Francisco-style Sunday Brunch" a few weeks ago.

Michael, our host & chef, Lauren

The menu for the day included bagels (not pictured). Frozen bagels. From the British Food (?) section of the Carrefour grocery store in Pezenas. Yeah, OK ... so, anyway — frozen bagels for Brits? Not so much. But, hey, it's the South of France. You want bagels here? Bon chance (good luck). But check out Chef's frittata!

And, as yummy as (most) of the food was, the best part of the day was getting to know Lauren and Michael better. Honey enjoyed our guests too, and took a special shine to Lauren.

We were thrilled when Lauren and Michael invited Vince, Ted and me to lunch in Pezenas not long ago. Their house is a real showplace — stylish, yet so inviting and comfy. The food was stellar, and the company was superb.

Lovely home, gorgeous table, great food, and dear new friends. A perfect afternoon. This is why we travel.

Pezenas Market

We returned to Pezenas the following Saturday for the big market. Fresh food, fun sights, and a full day of frivolity!

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