Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Wish List

You may know about Groupon, the deep-discount daily email coupon with the social networking twist. It's a pretty nifty way to try out businesses and services in your town. Anyhow, I've been getting San Francisco-specific offers for a year or so. Even though I've never signed up for any of the deals, some of the offers have been tempting.

So, I signed up to get Groupon offers while here in Nice. No tempting offers yet, but some fun ones I wanted to share:

How Sweet It Is!
Get your body painted with chocolate? Maybe. But I'd be awfully tempted to lick it off as soon as it was painted on.

Go Fish
I love a good pedicure, especially when all of that rough, crusty skin gets scrubbed off my feet. Apparently, there are fish that can exfoliate for you. I hear it's not for the ticklish.

Fat, Fat, Go Away! Give It All to Doris Day!
It seems the French think that fat and cellulite can vibrated off with these crazy machines. There are lots of salons in our neighborhood that specialize in this, revolutionary new weight-loss miracle.

Why LiveStrong When You Can LiveDumb?

These bracelets improve balance, energy, endurance and reduce stress. I'd be pretty stressed out if I bought one and found out it didn't work, though.

I'll keep checking out the Groupon offers that pop into my email box. But somehow, I'm suddenly feeling a little wistful for the days of the Sears Christmas Wish Book!

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