Saturday, December 4, 2010

Corsica? 'Course, We Can!

When San Francisco partners in crime Mitch and Mary arrived in Nice, they wanted to do some exploring, so we arranged a ferry trip to the island of Corsica. We made our way to the port in Nice for the 5-hour ferry ride.

The ferry was rather like a mini-cruise ship. Rooms, lounges, a restaurant and cafeteria, gift shop, game room, bar, pool and Jacuzzi. My favorite spot was the open-air deck at the back of the ferry. Au revoir, Nice!

Arrival in Basita (OK, that's the ferry that came in the next day -- Rick Steves would have had a camera crew in place to document everything, but I'm not that famous. Yet.).

We did some exploring and took some snapshots....

And Honey made a lifelong frenemy! Hello, kitty!

Next installment: Original video!

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