Saturday, July 18, 2009

Puppy Proof

We've had a lovely day in Nice. The humid air gave way to a fresh breeze (yet still very sunny and warm), and Honey has a pep in her step once again. I think she's gotten acclimated, and all three of us are over our jet lag.

As Honey has been so lively, it was time to address our concerns about the balcony. We are three floors up, and the rail around the balcony is not safe for a dog of Honey's petite stature. So, I popped into the hardware store on the corner and grabbed the requisites (green plastic netting and a spool of green wire) for "puppy-proofing" the balcony. One hour later (I'm pseudo-handy, but slow), and voila:

Also noteworthy, Velo Bleu launched in Nice today. It's a very cheap, citywide system that lets folks grab one of 900 bicycles from 90 pickup/drop-off spots and ride as far (and for as long) as they like. Paris has had a similar system for some time.

The best part? There's a pickup/drop-off point right in front of our apartment building. Tomorrow, I'll look into using the system. I hope it's not just for locals.

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